what do you wear to a fraternity formal

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Old 03-31-2008, 04:47 PM

I Simply got asked to be a date at fraternity formal

Then, one of my great guy friends who just finished pledging has asked me to his fraternities formal. ane) Would it exist wrong to assume that he should pay my mode? two)Are at that place any online stores that would sell dresses (aught to fancy) for a reasonable cost (lets say $50-$65)? 3) He's a wee fleck shorter then me, and then is it ok to wear flats or maybe a shorter heel? (In case its not clear I am a daughter and he is a guy)

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Old 03-31-2008, 04:50 PM

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1) If I asked a adult female to exist my date, there'd be no question that I'd pay her way.

2) Not certain.

3) Every Greek formal that I've attended has been like any other formal function. Dress every bit you lot would at some other formal event.


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Old 03-31-2008, 05:51 PM


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Originally Posted by greekintraining View Post

So, one of my great guy friends who just finished pledging has asked me to his fraternities formal. 1) Would information technology be wrong to presume that he should pay my mode? 2)Are there any online stores that would sell dresses (cypher to fancy) for a reasonable price (lets say $l-$65)? 3) He'due south a wee bit shorter and so me, so is it ok to wear flats or perchance a shorter heel? (In example its not articulate I am a girl and he is a guy)

What kind of formal? If information technology's an overnighter you need to be articulate with him what he or the chapter is covering and what you'd be expected to pay for on your own.

For a dress, I would check with friends to run across if they have one you lot tin can borrow. Also any local stores in the area. I'yard guessing yous're in the middle of nowhere since you lot asked about the net. Also, I'k thinking you have plenty time to look around for aircraft so you should be able take the time to go to whatever the large town is nearby. Any Ross or Marshalls in the expanse? What near Forever21 or Charlotte Ruse? Don't rule out a store because y'all think it's cheap or whatever. You might find the perfect apparel for a good price. By the same token don't rule out a store equally likewise expensive. You could find an awesome deal on sale or clearance.

As for shoes, just make sure you're comfortable.

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Old 03-31-2008, 05:59 PM

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Originally Posted by greekintraining View Post

So, 1 of my great guy friends who merely finished pledging has asked me to his fraternities formal. 1) Would it be wrong to assume that he should pay my fashion? two)Are at that place whatever online stores that would sell dresses (zero to fancy) for a reasonable price (lets say $fifty-$65)? 3) He's a wee bit shorter then me, then is it ok to vesture flats or maybe a shorter heel? (In case its not clear I am a girl and he is a guy)

Assuming "formal" ways "formal" (who knows these days)
1. Aye
2. EBay
3. Up to you, chickie


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Old 03-31-2008, 08:56 PM

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i. Surely he will pay.

2. I find a lot of stuff on www.Nordstrom.com and sometimes information technology will go on auction. They have a great choice there, besides.
world wide web.bcbg.com has sales right now, merely that may be too much for y'all. Some will be $300 or so and and so marked down to $140. They are peachy classic dresses you can go on for a while. Nosotros also borrowed dresses all the time so we wouldn't have to buy so many formals.
Finally, maybe bank check a consignment shop.

3. I think it's polite to wear a shorter heel in this case. I'm taller than my married man when I wear heels. He doesn't care now but when we were in college dating, I never wore heels!

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Old 03-31-2008, 09:10 PM

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1. You should not pay
three. Aye, thats fine

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Old 04-01-2008, 05:10 PM

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Find out if the clothes should exist brusk or long. All of my girl's formal dresses have been brusque and all of her high school dresses were long. Try Macys.com. They have nigh of their dresses on auction now.

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Old 04-01-2008, 08:51 PM

Inquire him if whatever other girl you know is going and so shop for similar clothing...at least that style you lot know you've got someone in the same boat as you.

Different schools and capacity are used to different things. For a lot of the fraternity formals at my school the girls wear cocktail length dresses, non long dresses. They purchase those for their own formals. I'g actually getting one from victoriassecret.com. It looks like a party/cocktail dress, but it'due south nigh $50.

Forever21 is a great identify to buy dresses for cheap...simply be aware of their exchange policies.

For your price range I would endeavour both of those first if a shorter dress is appropriate. If you feel comfortable doing so, enquire him to ask an older brother what their dates always wore...long or brusque.

He SHOULD be paying...information technology'due south inappropriate to inquire someone out and then expect them to pay.

And as for the shoes...I would wear flats...it'southward polite and shows consideration for him. Flats volition probably be cheaper as well...you can find them on both the sites I mentioned.

And by the way...accessories and shoes tin make the outfit.

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Old 04-15-2008, 02:41 PM

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Even for our overnight formals the guy would pay for everything (meals, hotel room, gas money, etc) and I presume this is the case for 99% of the guys out there. No ideas nearly dresses but wearing flats would be squeamish since he is a shorter guy. I recall he'd appreciate it.

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Old 04-08-2010, 11:25 PM

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Help Me!!!!!

Ok, so I have been invited to a fraternity formal. But my date has not been very clear with me. This is my get-go out of town consequence and I have no idea what to await. He said it is about two hours away from campus and we volition check into our hotel at 4 so become eat and to formal. Does this mean we are staying over nighttime? And are we staying together? What practice I accept to pay for? Someone help please!

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Old 04-08-2010, 11:46 PM


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Yes, you're staying overnight, and yep, you're staying together. You can sleep in sweats or something. If you lot're not comfortable with that concept, you probably should not become.

The only thing you lot should have to pay for is his boutenniere, if they are given at your school. Oh and of grade, your dress/shoes/accessories.

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Old 04-08-2010, 11:55 PM

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Originally Posted by anchorgirly View Post

Ok, so I have been invited to a fraternity formal. Only my engagement has non been very articulate with me. This is my first out of town event and I have no idea what to look. He said it is about 2 hours away from campus and we will check into our hotel at four then become eat and to formal. Does this mean we are staying over night? And are we staying together? What do I have to pay for? Someone assist please!

I take been to one fraternity'due south formal every year for the by 7 years (my 7th being this weekend. woot.) and the simply thing I've e'er paid for were my drinks... and that was but a few times when I wasn't actually dating my date.

To me, I would think it rude to get invited somewhere, and and then have someone ask, "Ok, where's the coin for dinner and the hotel?" If you're actually boyfriend/girlfriend, that's one thing. You might effort to even out the toll if you know each other'due south financial situation. But if you're someone who'due south never been to ane of these things and you aren't as familiar with all of this equally other people might be, it seems a footling weird for him to expect some coin out of you. Nevertheless... I would definitely take some money with you. HOWEVER... do not offer to pay for anything (besides maybe drinks) at the consequence. At well-nigh, if not all formals, everything is paid for in advance. It'd be inappropriate to talk about money in the middle of dinner.

Basically, I know that I've invited different guys to my sorority formal, and I have never expected any of them to cover the toll of their meal. Coin was never even discussed.

If you're getting a hotel room, I would have to presume that you're staying overnight. I can't tell you if you're staying together, though. No one here tin can. But once again, I'd have to presume that you lot are. To mention a hotel room to someone, but and then say, "Sorry, y'all're not staying with me," is strange.

But talk to him almost everything.


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Last edited past ASTalumna06; 04-08-2010 at 11:58 PM.

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Old 04-09-2010, 12:19 AM

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Ok and then yalls feedback helped! Ok only I am still a little clueless haha. Are at that place unremarkably two couples in one room or just one? I am non dating this guy and don't know him that well, so I'm just a little concerned.

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Old 04-09-2010, 12:41 AM

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Originally Posted by anchorgirly View Post

I am not dating this guy and don't know him that well, so I'm only a piddling concerned.

So you lot probably shouldn't go away overnight with him. Unless this is a friendship where you guys consider yourselves to be like blood brother and sis, the dude is probably figuring he is going to get lucky. Simply don't be naive.

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Old 04-09-2010, 04:27 AM

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I wonder how many fraternities the OP'southward engagement is in. That could potentilly been a lot of formals!!


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